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28 Feb 2018


Sunday, December 17, 2017
Author: R. J. PALACIO
Pages: 313

Dear followers, welcome to the last post in my blog! This post will be different! Frankly speaking, I don't usually read books, obviously I read newspapers, magazines… and several emails every day, but this time I chose this book titled “Wonder”, on my girlfriend's recommendation. She read this book last year, it was an assignment at the School of Languagesand she realized that this book was great, so following her advice, I started to read it, probably, the first book for me in the last 5 years.

The main argument is simple and complicated at the same time. August Pullman, who is around 10 years old, will go to school for the first time in his lifeuntil then he had studied at home with his mom.  August, or Auggie, has a singular face, he has two kinds of genes which make him different, and he has scars due to the different surgeries which he received in order to save and improve his life.  

With this background, he has to introduce himself in the new school, meet with children and try to lead a “normal” life.

But the book is much more than August's point of view. If you read this book, you will understand the different views of the people who are next to himsuch as his sister, Via, his classmates, Jack and Summer, and more people.

My opinion
I didn't cry, really, but I have been touched. I would recommend this book obviously, it is very easy to read and well-developed. Page by page, you will discover and identify with the different problems and doubts you have probably had in your life, too. This book could help us to understand the people who are next to us everywhere, and the kind of people we need around us. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked it, particularly as you say you are not that fond of reading books! :)
